Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Made to Worship(OS042)(CS127).pro

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Made to Worship(OS042)(CS127).pro
Orig Key: F | New Key:

Title: Made to Worship(OS042)(CS127)

Subtitle: Key=F

>{zoom-ipad: 0.802686}

Verse 1

 D  G  D  G  D
D               A/C#
Before the day, before the light
Bm7                                  G
before the world revolved around the sun
D                              A/C#
God on High, stepped down into time
              Bm7                        G
and wrote the story of His Love for everyone
Em7               A
He has filled our hearts with wonder
Em7          G      A
so that we always remember


Chorus 1

you and I are made to worship
you and I are called to love
Em7                        Asus4 A
you and I are forgiven and free
when you and I embrace surrender
when you and I choose to believe
     Em7            Asus4
then you and I will see
                        D  G  D  G  D
who we were meant to be ............

Verse 2

D              A/C#
all we are and all we have
Bm7                            G
is all a gift from God that we receive
D                        A/C#
brought to life, we open up our eyes
           Bm7                       G
to see the majesty and glory of the King


Em7               A
He has filled our hearts with wonder
Em7          G      A
so that we always remember


Chorus 1

you and I are made to worship
you and I are called to love
Em7                        Asus4 A
you and I are forgiven and free
when you and I embrace surrender
When you and I choose to believe
    Em7            Asus4
then you and I will see
Who we were meant to be

Bridge 1

Em7                D
even the rocks cry out
even the heavens shout
                    Em7  A
at the sound of His Holy Name
Em7                     D
so let every voice sing out
and let every knee bow down
                Em7     A
He is worthy of all our praise

Chorus 1

Key: F